774 The life a man  (La vita dell'Omo)
Translated by Peter Nicholas Dale

Nine munths in the stench: then swaddlen ban’s,
An smoochy kisses n’ cradlecap n’ whingy tears:
Then jolly jumpers n’ strollers ta ged’em off their han’s,
Dressed up in frippery, hedpads, britches an gear.

Then school starts up, an with it the torchure:
The alfabet, the canens an the chillblains,
German measles n’ poopen on a potty chair,
Scarlet fever, chickenpox, mumps an sprains.

Then learnen a trade, fasts, n’ the sheer brun’
A life - the rent, the prisons, the hospiddul,
The gum’ment athoridies, dets an cun’.
Sun over summer: snow fru the win’er spell . . .
An then, at long last, God bless us all,
Deth bowls on in, an it all en’s up with hell.
The sonnet is translated into "Strine", the dialect spoken in Australia down to the 1960s.